Monday, June 25, 2018

I went to Shiny Shabby tonight.

I found these great clogs by Eudora that had a worn out look to them. How awesome are these?! The fatpack is 999L. They have 3 different color sets at 399L each. I couldn't choose just one color set and had to get the fatpack.  I love these clogs. I did say I will not buy any more shoes. Really.  ;)

these match my new top below perfectly!
I also could not pass up this cute lace Chelsie top by Glitzz also at Shiny Shabby.  It has a cute bow on the back that ties it together. Each color is only 99L each.  I got the lilac, white and black (so far). ;-)

worn with my Riot Harper jeans.
Hair: Truth / Kare
Maitreya body

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Relay For Life Event

Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society in Second Life and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life since 2005.

 Click here for more information on this event.

This is the Relay For Life 2018 Gown by JennyDearest. It's an amazing, beautiful gown that sparkles and glows. If you enable advanced lighting, you'll see a difference of the material. A blue light is included to wear with the gown to help it shine. It also includes a pink ribbon to wear. You could wear it without the bow on the back as seen in the first photo below. Proceeds go to the Relay for Life. You can get the gown here:…/14846237

Hair: Truth Zoya (with and without bangs)
Jewelry:  DBL Crown Jewels Silver Set (Dressed By Lexi)

Safira has a cute tropical mini dress for free with the group tag. It's now one of my favorites.

Hair: Truth / Taren with hat

Sunday, June 10, 2018

One of my favorite gowns "Kylee" (peacock color) by Mariposa. It has a beautiful, iridescent look that just shines with the right settings and lights. It fits my Maitreya body perfectly. I matched it with the ANE Moroccan Gem Earrings (Ombre 2 color).  Hair: Truth Bloom.

I am addicted to rock n roll.  However, I do love all (well, MOST) genres of music including rock, metal, pop, country, easy listening/romantic, jazz, as well as dance music (house and freestyle).  The only thing I cannot listen to is rap/hip hop.

Shirt:  .:villena:. - Torn Cropped Shirt - GnR Dip
Hair:  Lelutka Clarice Swish Hair (animated, blows in the wind)

I started out in a couple of other virtual worlds over ten years ago. I wish I started a blog back then so I would have the memories and photos of that time. I started on Second Life on July 24, 2010, not spending 100% of my time there but as the years went by and learning more, I decided to stay on SL and stop the other virtual worlds. Why do I enjoy the virtual world?  Friendships! I have made many friends that I just love and adore. I miss friends from the other virtual worlds, but most have been making the switch to SL.  For those who haven't yet, just do it! ;)

I love taking photos on Second Life.  I love shopping on Second Life (who doesn't?!). I love my friends and family. I love music. This blog will be kept for the memories we have made.